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Many people are needed to keep the parish committees viable and functioning. If you are interested in joining one of our committees, please contact the parish office.

Our Committees (Clicking on a committee name will take you to that section):

     Sacred Worship                                        Education                                        Cemetery

     Family Life & Social Justice                   Buildings & Grounds

Sacred Worship

Anchor 1

 Assists the parish pastoral council in fostering the liturgical life of the parish as celebrated in the Sacraments and other rites of the Church, with special attention to the sick and isolated in the parish.  This committee is also concerned with the devotional aspects of the parish’s life of prayer.


     Lucille Laskowski

     Margaret Laskowski

     Tory Pingel


Anchor 2

Assists the parish pastoral council in fostering the educational aspect of the parish, which includes evangelization, adult education, CCD, the Catholic school, and missionary activity. 


     Cathy Zywicki

     Peggy Kontney

     April Cisewski

Family Life & Social Justice

Anchor 3

Assists the parish pastoral council in fostering pastoral concern and action for justice in the world, including promotion of the respect for all human life, the pastoral care of the afflicted, the needy, the imprisoned, migrants and refugees.  The Family Life aspect of the committee assists the parish pastoral council in fostering Christian family life in the parish.  Among its concerns are the central place of the family in all parish pastoral activities, parish hospitality, youth ministry, vocations, pre-marriage preparation, natural family planning and pastoral care of single adult, divorced, widows and widowers.



Buildings & Grounds

Anchor 4

Works with the Finance Council and Pastoral Council to assure facilities are adequate for parish needs and are properly maintained.  Surveys the parish property and identifies and articulates the needs of the parish.


     Jim Hilger

     John Kosmalski

     Ed Kruzitski

     Jim Peters

     Scott Vuorinen


Anchor 5

Assists the Finance Council in considering policy, maintenance needs, and finances to maintain the St. Mary Cemetery.



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